German Holiday Apple Cake - Bratapfelkuchen

Apple Cake Christmas Cake

This is a special German holiday apple cake for the festive season that you will love. Make sure to stay with the instructions and you will get a wonderful German cake. Just use the baking mix and some fresh ingredients. Happy Baking!

Ingredients German Holiday Apple Cake

1 Baking Mix 
1 spring form Ø 10inches, some butter 
50 g soft butter
1 egg
6 medium size apples
600 ml heavy cream

Baking Instructions

  • Grease the bottom of the spring form and around the rim.
  • Pre-heat oven to 340 F
  • Place baking mix for the dough in a bowl. Add butter and egg.
  • With a hand mixer or hands knead until you get a smooth dough. Roll 2/3 of the dough on a clean surface with some flour so it fits into the form.
  • Make a roll of remaining dough and place it along the rim. You want to get a rim of 1 inch height.

  • Peel apples, remove core with a remover so you have a hole, cut in halves horizontally. Place apples with cutting side on the dough.
  • Place little apple pieces in between the apples.
  • Add the raisins onto the apples and into the middle. 
  • Use the mix for the topping with 100ml heavy cream. Mix well.
  • Bring remaining heavy cream to a brief boil, then remove from heat.
  • Combine the first mix with hot heavy cream and boil for 30 seconds. Then pour over apples.
  • Bake for 60 min on medium rack. 
  • When done use a knife and release the edges from the form. Keep cake in the form for 5 min in turned off oven.
  • Let cool off for 1 hour then release from form.

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