German Biscuit Apple Roll - Biskuit Apfelrolle

apfelrolle apple roll biscuit roll german baking mix german biscuit cake kathi baking mix

This is a recipe for delicious German Apple Biscuit Roll - Apfelrolle in German. To make them you would use the German Kathi Biscuit Baking Mix. You just need to add some fresh ingredients. Perfect for baking beginners. Happy Baking!

german apple biscuit roll

Ingredients German Biscuit Apple Roll 

For the Dough
• 1 Kathi Biscuit Baking Mix 
• 3 eggs
• 6 tbsp water

click here 

For the Filling

• 3 medium size apples
• 300 ml apple juice
• 1 package Vanilla pudding or Cream flavor 
• 2 tbsp sugar
• ½ tsp cinnamon 

Baking Instructions German Biscuit Apple Roll 

Peel the apples, remove cores and cut in very small cubes.

Use 5 tbsp from the apple juice and combine with pudding powder.
Combine apple pieces with remaining apple juice, sugar and cinnamon in a pan and bring to a boil.
Add the pudding powder and wile mixing bring to a boil until it has thickened. 

Biscuit Dough
Pre-heat oven to 360 F.
Combine the baking mix with eggs and water. Beat with hand mixer on high level for 5 min.
Layer a high sided baking sheet with parchment paper (size: 30 x 38 cm or 12x15 inches).
Spread the dough evenly onto the paper.
Bake for 10 min.

Make the Roll

On a clean kitchen cloth sprinkle enough sugar. Place the cake right away upside down onto the kitchen cloth, with a moist cloth go over the paper, it will be easier to remove it. Then remove the parchment paper.
Then roll it together with the kitchen cloth and let cool off completely.
Unroll again.
Now spread the apple pudding on the biscuit cake and leave an edge of 2cm or 1 inch.
Roll from the long side very carefully.
Dust a thick layer of powdered sugar on top and serve with whipped cream.
This video is in  English and it explains very well how to roll the biscuit cake so it won't break. 

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