German Chocolate Rum Waffles

chocolate waffles german waffle mix german waffles

This is a recipe for delicious German chocolate rum waffles  for which you would use the Kathi German Waffle Baking Mix. You just need to add some fresh ingredients. Perfect for baking beginners.

german chocolate rum wafflesMakes  6-8 waffles

For the Dough
1 Kathi German Waffle Baking Mix
• 3 eggs
• 180 g butter oder margarine
• 150 ml rum
• 25 g grated chocolate 

• cherry compote 
• whipped cream

Baking Instructions German Chocolate Rum Waffles

  • Combine eggs and butter and rum in a bowl, beat with hand mixer for 304 min until you get a creamy dough.

  • Add the grated chocolate and mix.
  • Prepare waffle maker per instructions.

  • If needed add some butter.

  • With a ladle pour some dough. Close waffle maker and let bake for 2-3 min.



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